
Dreamkeepers SKIRMISH- Shadow Wars of Anduruna

Created by David & Liz Lillie

SKIRMISH is a strategic fast-paced two-player battle card game that combines tactical deployment zones with character-based action.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Skirmish Tournament Signup
over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 07:35:30 PM

It's official- Vivid will be hosting the first 'Dreamkeepers Skirmish' tournament in Chicago, at MFF 2019.  If you want to compete, be sure to sign up here:

Geo will be our lead judge- and if you want to see him this weekend, swing by Dakucon in Denver. 

Also:  Top Tier backers, your Tri-cases haven't been delivered yet.  But they should be soon!  Last I heard from Mr. Millstone he was in the final stages of hand-crafting them, and I expect to be in touch and going postal soon.   I'll keep you updated.

Thank you, to every backer here who made this game a reality.  Looking forward to having our first tournament!

Campaign COMPLETE... Game on.
over 4 years ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 09:30:05 PM

Ladies and Gentlemen, Skirmish at last is delivered.

Figurine packages were mailed some days ago, and all Strategy Guides / Plus sized Foil cards are in the mail as of yesterday.  

Despite delays and obstacles, we've done it!    Now for the fun part.

Let's play!  Now that the proper loot is headed to every backer, let's set up some game meets.  Should we aim for conventions?  Other venues?  Online play? (I need to check if the developers are still pursuing their online playable version of Skirmish.)   A Skirmish tournament would be awesome, and we could think of some cool prizes I'm sure.

The more people are playing and enjoying Skirmish, the more likely it is we can fuel development efforts for new Expansion Decks, reprints of the original game for retail distribution, and who knows what else.  Go forth and wage battle!  Connect with players via the Discord link on our site, and any new players can learn about the game here:

Thank you again, to everyone who made this campaign possible.  You opened the door to glory.  It's your support, patience, and faith which allowed Skirmish to come glimmering into existence.  Thank you!  Thank you for facilitating the tactical shiny glittering result, now we can all enjoy it as much as we want.

Let's get to it!   I'll update here and on the Vivid Publishing / Dreamkeepers social media when we have our first Skirmish event solidified.  

Best regards,


IMPORTANT: Unboxing Instructions (On the way!)
over 4 years ago – Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 09:45:52 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Wave 2 Imminent
over 4 years ago – Sat, Aug 03, 2019 at 11:55:18 PM

At long last- the final loot is ready to roll.  Wave 2 merchandise will be on the way this coming week.  

If your address has changed, tell us!   We need to know so we can deliver your rewards to the right place.

The Strategy Guides feature silky-smooth matte finish covers, 8.5 x 11.  Which should show you how large the plus-sized Hero cards came out.

Our quote on Lenticular printing changed fairly drastically, so these are printed instead on holographic foil, for a shimmering metallic rainbow effect.   I'll try to upload some video to show it off better soon.

 Skirmish overall has gone over budget.  Worth it, to make something this cool- but that means the content you are receiving is RARE.  We did not manufacture more than we needed.  These plus-sized foil cards are limited edition, and even the Strategy Guides, if reprinted down the road, will be 2nd edition rather than your first editions.

Anyone who had their heart set on Lenticular that is not interested in the Foil cards, that's totally fine!  Let us know and we can refund you for the cost of that item.  

Figurines are finished and looking sharp- photos to come!

The Tri-cases are also in the final stages, those will be mailed direct from the craftsmen so they'll come in a different package.

I'm thrilled to finally be delivering for you guys, thanks for hanging in there with us. 

Printing begun- books ahoy!
almost 5 years ago – Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 12:46:23 AM

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Spellchecking complete, Vivid Publishing check in the mail. The Skirmish Strategy Guide / Art Book is printing!  First editions will be a highly limited run, but if you procured it as part of the campaign, you'll be guaranteed your copy.   

Wave 2 deliveries coming soon!  Thank you again everyone, for your patience and for making all this possible.

Once I make good on Wave 2, the campaign will officially be a success.  At that point I hope to get player community events rolling, and we can start having some fun together.